4 Tips That Will Help You Prepare For Your BPI Recertification Exam

In the past, you proudly held certification from the Building Performance Institute that attested to your ability as a home performance contractor. For various reasons, you chose to allow that certification to lapse. Now you would like to pick up where you left off. That will involve taking a BPI recertification exam and recovering the certification. As you prepare, keep the following in mind if you want to pass the first time.

Take Stock of What You Remember

Now is a good time to review everything that you remember about this type of work. Start with the basics, and also recall anything that you learned while actively pursuing your career. What you learned in the past can provide the foundation for what you will need to know in the future.

Feel free to look at old resources that are still in your possession. They are likely to remind you of a few more things that haven’t come to mind up to this point. After exhausting what you have on hand, it will be time to move on to other resources.

Study and Refresh Your Bank of Knowledge

There’s a good chance a few things have changed since you obtained the original certification. Do make it a point to secure contemporary resources and study them carefully. Your goal is to determine what you learned in the past is still relevant, and what additional information is available today.

This helps to bring your bank of knowledge up to date. It also provides some insight into what is likely to be on the exam. As you study, do make notes and pay closer attention to anything that was not covered in your older resources.

Consider Taking a Mock Exam First

Taking tests is not something you do often these days. For this reason, it would be great to set up a trial run and see how things turn out. There are ways to arrange for a mock exam that will help you hone your skills and be more prepared for the exam.

Keep in mind that the mock test will not be the same as your BPI recertification exam. The questions are not likely to be duplicates or worded in the same way. They may cover certain areas that are found on the real exam. Along with providing an idea of what to expect, this is also a chance for you to feel more comfortable with the idea of taking an exam after years of not requiring one.

Make Sure Everything is in Order Before Starting the Exam

There will likely be a list of things you want to prepare before actually taking the exam. Make sure that you pay close attention to every one of those suggestions. They will help create the setting and circumstances that are optimal for the exam time.

Even little things that you don’t think make much difference deserve your attention. Prepare as if this was your first time, and take everything seriously. There’s a good chance that some small thing that seemed insignificant before the exam will turn out to be important.

Make sure you do everything that you can to adequately prepare. If you are truly ready, passing the exam and earning your recertification will be a lot simpler than you thought.

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